breaking news
  • Jagdish Sewhani Addressing at public meeting in Varanasi, Bharat
  • Manifesto Manthan: Does Congress’ Poll Promises Institutionalise Legal Discrimination Against Hindus?
  • Judge approves $418 million damages for home sellers overcharged by Realtors
  • Welcome to Another ‘American Century.’ Set aside the election and hot wars. How the U.S. resolves its crisis of confidence is what’ll shape the world.
  • Taiwan: 9 Dead, Buildings Tilt, Bridges & Cars Shake In Island's Strongest Earthquake In 25 Yrs
  • Amit Shah to campaign in five TN LS constituencies on Thursday


China’s growing influence in Indian Ocean is worrying. It harms the region’s stability

American naval officer and historian Alfred Mahan popularly said: “Whoever controls the Indian Ocean will dominate Asia. This ocean will be the key t...

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US Presidential Polls: Trump or Biden, India's Stakes Are Higher Than Ever

Scores of countries around the world are set to go to polls this year. The most consequential elections among those, to my mind however, will be the ...

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Cementing Global South Leadership: India Emerges as Strong Development Partner in Africa, Asia

A big theme of 2023 was India’s emergence as ‘Vishwa Mitra’, hosting the G20 conclave and facilitating the entry of the African Union into the body. 2...

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Kerala and Karnataka face new JN.1 enigma

Kerala and Karnataka, champions of past COVID battles, face a new foe – the JN.1 variant. The number of cases ascend, doubling in a week, prompting a ...

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The BJP may decide who wins Telangana - BRS or Congress

The BJP is also holding the balance of power this time because the Muslim vote outside Hyderabad is seen to be shifting from the BRS to the Congress t...

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The Unravelling of OpenAI - A Human-Authored Drama

By Pankaj Mishra Amid the whirlwind of ambition, controversy, and human drama, OpenAI's story underscores that the path to artificial intelligence's...

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No one needed another Napoleon movie, but this one has something unexpected to say

By Noah Berlatsky This is not the best historical moment for a hagiography of an overweening authoritarian populist. To his credit, director Ridley S...

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South Asia, now open to business

Can the current optimism about India's economic prospects - its impending emergence as the third-largest economy with growing financial resources and ...

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What Biden's latest outlandish immigration action tells us about the next one

The Biden administration recently issued yet another outlandish immigration action, but most Americans likely did not realize it. I'm talking about t...

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Chandrayaan-3 Success

Chandrayaan-3's successful landing on the uncharted south pole of the Moon has cemented India's position in the exclusive league of global space power...

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