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The South Asian Insider

Hajj registration fee abolished, facility fee doubled, people above 65 years of age will not go alone

The Hajj Committee of India has issued new rules and guidelines for Hajj pilgrims this time. This time the government has completely abolished the registration fee while doubling the fee for the convenience. This time, there will be a ban on traveling alone for Zaireen above 65 years of age, earlier this age limit was 70 years. The Hajj Committee of India has invited online applications for this trip till September 9.

According to the information, the government has abolished the registration fee of 300 rupees related to Hajj and increased the facility rates by 1000 rupees to 2000 rupees. Now husband and wife will not be able to stay in the same room during the pilgrimage, this decision has been taken not by the Hajj Committee of India but by the government of Saudi Arabia. According to the Saudi government, men will not be able to enter the women's room. It should be remembered that until now the Hajj Committee of India has been making arrangements in one room by forming a group of women and men from each state. On behalf of the committee, this time Haj pilgrims from each district will be accommodated in the same building. The rooms of husband and wife will be close. District Hajj Trainer Haji Rahim Ud Din has said that those who want to go on Hajj journey should prepare their passport along with the application form before September 9 and make other preparations in this regard. All the work should be done according to the changes taking place on behalf of the Hajj Committee.