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The South Asian Insider

Four KGMU doctors suspended on ragging charges

 (News Agency)- The King George’s Medical University (KGMU) has suspended four senior resident doctors amid allegations of ragging juniors.The suspended doctors are deployed in the respiratory medicine department of the KGMU.
The complaint filed by 15 junior doctors, some of whom were women, stated they were mentally harassed by their seniors. The anti-ragging cell of the university conducted a probe.
The first-year students lodged a complaint with the University Grants Commission’s anti-ragging cell, alleging mental torture by their seniors. This torture involved being assigned night duties without breaks and having to work beyond established guidelines, which, they say, significantly hampered their ability to focus on studies.
KGMU spokesperson, Professor Sudhir Singh, said on Thursday that a three member committee — led by VC Professor Sonia Nityanand, along with proctor Professor Kshitij Srivastava, and dean of academics Professor Amita Jain — investigated the matter.
The committee found the accused guilty based on prima facie evidence. Professor Singh added that all seniors have received a strict warning to refrain from similar actions.
Dr Singh said, “One of the senior residents has been suspended for three months and three others for one month in connection with the incident.”The complaint was filed with the national anti-ragging helpline that diverted the case to KGMU authorities.