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The South Asian Insider

ITServe’s Women’s Panel Discusses 'Direct Client Engagement in the World of Contingent Workforce'

 (Sai Bureau)-A panel of distinguished women leaders from across the United States were part of a high-powered discussion on 'Direct Client Engagement in the World of Contingent Workforce' on the final day of ITServe Alliance’s flagship Synergy 2023 Atlantic City in New Jersey.
Keisha Stephens, CCWP, Director of People Operations, Empowering Employees for Success & Driving Operational Excellence, SIA DE&I Influencer and Contingent Workforce Program Game Changer; Pamela Randall, CCWP, a Talent Solution Strategist, Change Agent with Sustainable Results and Making Possible a Better Future; Jamhali Portus, a Global Contingent Workforce Management Professional, who is passionate about creating the best-in-class contingent workforce management program with a focus on Quality, Efficiency, Cost and Risk; and, Semonie Kong, a CWP Program Manager, Atlassian, were the panelists at the lively and enlightening discussion that focussed on empowering women.
Moderated by Shabana Siraj and Lavanya Poosarla, the distinguished speakers on the panel shared with the audience a wealth of knowledge about this crucial topic, and it was heartening to see a packed audience who found it to be one of the standout sessions.
“Personally, one of the event's highlights for me was moderating the panel discussion titled 'Direct Client Engagement in the World of Contingent Workforce,” said Siraj. “What made this event more special was that it was an all women's panel, highlighting the diverse perspectives and talents that are driving innovation in our industry.”
ITServe Alliance Synergy 2023 has marked a significant milestone in its 13-year history, and one couldn't be more thrilled with the outcome. This event brought together an impressive lineup of keynote speakers who covered a diverse array of topics, ranging from leadership and technology to startups, immigration, PAC, M&A, and the CIO & CTO Forum.
ITServe had esteemed speakers such as @Steve Forbes from Forbes, @Jack Kass from OpenAI, Kevin O'Leary from Shark Tank, @Sheila Blair from FDIC, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and @Praneesh Murthy, former CEO of IGATE, sharing their valuable insights and expertise.
“Thank you to everyone who made ITServe Alliance Synergy 2023 a resounding success. Looking forward to continued collaboration and growth in the years to come, particularly for all the efforts by Vinay Mahajan, President of ITServe; Venu Sangani, Synergy Director; Jagadeesh Mosali, President-Elect ITSErve; and Vinay Parachuri,” said Poosarla.Key ITServe members who were instrumental in organizing the discussions included; Hima Kolanagireddy, Deepali Sontakke, Jyoti Vazirani, Pushyami Duvvuri, Divya Bala, Ruchi(Joshi) Anand, Anna Kolluri, Ranjani Mohana, Nazeera Dawood, and Sangita Datta.