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The South Asian Insider

Iran: Four people executed everyday in May, Iran Human Rights report reveals

(News Agency)-The highest number of executions in 2023 so far come from Iran and out of the 300 people sentenced to death, 142 people were put on the gallows in May alone, the highest monthly average since 2015.
According to a report by Sweden-based Iran Human Rights, 307 people have been executed in Iran which is 75 per cent more than last year.
The horrific figures show that in May, four people were hanged every day in the Islamic Republic.
Seven men have been hanged in cases related to the protests but activists say executions have surged in less high-profile cases, particularly over drug and murder convictions, with ethnic minorities disproportionately targeted.
'Executions carried out to spread fear'
Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, the head of IHR said, "The purpose of the executions is to create societal fear, not to fight crime."
"The Islamic Republic has executed one person every six hours in the last ten days while the international community has remained silent. More than half of those executed were Baluch minorities and drug defendants from the most marginalised communities who are low-cost victims of the government's killing machine," he added.
Another report by IHR in collaboration with France's Together Against the Death Penalty (ECPM) showed that executions in Iran rose by 75 per cent in 2022 with at least 582 people hanged to "spread fear" in the society.
Only 71 of these executions were officially recorded last year, official reports show. The rest were "unannounced" and "secretly" carried out and were reported by family members and eyewitnesses.
Mahmood said, "The international reactions to the death sentences against protesters have made it difficult for the Islamic Republic to proceed with their executions."
Judiciary Chief defends executions
Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejei, the head of Iran's judiciary has defended the administration's decision to execute people.
He said that sentences for those who "should be executed" will be carried out without exception "while maintaining legal standards and fairness."
Iran announced the death of Habib Farajollah Chaab for killing dozens of people in 2018.Chaab had been sentenced to death for being "corrupt on Earth."vre66In 2022, Chaab was put on trial for leading the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz, a separatist movement that sought a state in the oil-rich Khuzistan province in southwestern Iran.
He was also accused of plotting and carrying out "numerous bombings and terrorist operations."